Elder Jake Anderson

Elder Jake Anderson

Monday, November 24, 2014

These are tender mercies like you can't believe.

I can't believe how time flies. Transfers are next week. It is insane. I don't know what will happen. right now the Mandarin missionaries are odd, there are nine of them. Elder Hancey is going home this transfer, so there will be and even 8. However there is another Mandarin called missionary coming out this transfer as well. So there will be 9 again. Making it odd again. So I might stay, or I might go. We'll see what happens. I would like to stay another, but who knows.

Anyway, this week has been good. It has been warmer here which is really nice. We have had a Chinook. Which means the really cold weather gets trapped in the mountains and just kind of swirls around. This lest the warm air blow over the mountains and warm things up. I think that's how it goes. Whatever the case, I'm a fan. Oh and by the way, it's Chinook is pronounced with an Sh instead of a Ch. Just so you know. That way you don't go around talking like greenies haha.

Well we had a pretty cool experience this Sunday. We were in the west side of Calgary because that is where the mandarin branch meets. In the middle of second hour, we get a call from some elders in our zone. They told us they have a Chinese lady here that wants to be taught the lessons and what not. So we ditch out on third hour and drive back to their ward. We get there about half an hour into third hour and walk into Relief Society to sit next to the Lady and her friend who brought her. They step outside with us. We do the usual introductions and find out she is ready to be taught the lessons along with her two boys. We get her information and set up a time tonight for Monday. She seems golden! haha it was crazy. We get a call from other missionaries and thirty minutes later we have a new investigator to teach. It was awesome. 

Then to top it, we get another call a little later from the same missionaries saying they have another Chinese lady here that just showed up at church. Elder Hancey talks to her over the phone and next thing I know, she will be going to church next Sunday so we can meet her and possible teach her. Holy cow! This all happened within about an hour or so! Talk about silver platter! I can't believe it. These are tender mercies like you can't believe. This was the best part of the week that's for sure. 

Other than that things were pretty normal. I hope your weeks were good and productive. I pray for you always. And I am grateful for your prayers. I can feel them! Stay safe and take care of each other. 

Love you!!!

Your captain,
Elder Anderson

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I am 11!

Me and Olsen emailing
(Who knows what that silly missionary has on his head)

I am 11! On a mission, you have a birthday every month. Today I turn 11. Nice! One away from halfway! It is crazy how time flies! I doesn't feel like I have been out almost a year.

Anyway. This week was good. It is crazy. Quite a few missionaries just got sent home. A couple were going home at the beginning of December anyway, but others had a while to go still. We don't have a clue what happened. It is weird. I don't know if any will come back out after a while. We'll just have to see.

This week was similar to the last couple weeks. Still working with the investigators we have. Some good news is that Al Valin from my last area got baptized! That is so awesome! I am so excited for him! It took a while but it finally happened.

Oh and I got in a fender bender haha. I hit some ice and hit a parked car. It only dented the bumper but it kinda stinks. We got it all figured out though. The people said they got hit the exact same way last year. Haha same exact thing. People are used to that kind of stuff here. With ice, it's always a possibility. Anyway. It all got figured out and squared away.

Well. Not much else is new. Hope all is good back home.

Love you all!

Elder Anderson

The tallest building in Calgary.

And me, the studdliest man.

It's hard to tell, but the architect built this portrait of his daughter in front of the building.

This is a better shot.

And me at Costco with pancakes.
(Jake told us he eats pancakes for breakfast and dinner some days. 
He has developed a pancake obsession!)

haha My sweet new watches. I also have one like the blue only it's gray.
(Jake bought these at the dollar store. He also has a watch obsession.)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

I would like to be able to bear a simple testimony or say a quick prayer in Chinese

Jake and Elder Faimalo - his previous companion in Lethbridge

Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness.If someone can riddle me that, I will be very impressed. You can't use the Internet!!!!!! I will give you a hint however, you must be a very good judge to figure it out.

Well we had a good week. We are still working with Daniel and Justin. They are doing great. Everything they should be doing. We told them to pray and ask God if baptism is something that is right for them. They are great and really prepared. I hope that they will be able to get a confirming answer that everything will be ok if they get baptized. Nevertheless, not my will be done. 

Lulu is doing great. We are planning on asking her to be baptized this week. She has already she will live the Word of Wisdom WHEN she is baptized. Haha she is great. Hopefully she feels as ready as we know she is! 

Brother Wang had a migraine so he couldn't read the scriptures but when he is feeling better he will get back into it. They planned on coming to church but the weather was bad so they didn't show. It was really cool. 

Woodbine ward had a bring a friend to church Sunday. There were a ton of non members there! It was great. Really good idea. They had sacrament then second hour was just a meet and greet social hour. They went in the Relief Society room and had snacks and talked. It was cool. 

I just got a Mandarin book that they give out in the MTC to help you learn the language. I will try to start learning a little bit. I would like to be able to bear a simple testimony or say a quick prayer in Chinese. That would be sweet. We'll see if I have the gift of tongues or not haha! 

Other than that, not much else is new. Another week gone. Another week closer to Christmas! I can't wait for that. My last Christmas in the mission haha! I hope you are all doing well back home! I miss you tons but love it here, in spite of the freezing cold! 

Take care until next week!

Elder Anderson

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Oh the weather outside is frightful!

Calgary in November

Well winter is here. And it's not fun. It's pretty cold. Hasn't been in the negatives yet, but I'm from California, what do you expect me to think about it? The ice isn't too bad yet but it's here. Just waiting for my first senior life alert moment. Can't wait...

Anyway. Good news. I found out that an investigator in my last area we were working with is now on date! November 8th!!! So stoked. We were working with him for a while. He was super busy so we couldn't meet with him lately. Things have slowed down for him now though. It's great to hear.

We had Zone Conference this week. It was great. They talked a lot about accountability. They talked about letting go of everything and giving yourself to the Lord 100%. They talked about how The Lord will bless us with tons more than we gave up. It was a great lesson and the spirit was great.

We found out that our investigators, Daniel and Justin, who are on date can't be baptized yet. Their dad is in China and he is trying to get a government job. If they find out that he has two sons that are Mormon, he won't be able to get the job. Once he gets the job they should be able to be baptized, but until then, we have to wait. That is a bummer but we will keep working with them and keep them progressing.

Lulu is doing good. We are hoping to put her on date soon and get her baptized. We went over the baptismal interview questions with her and found out what we need to focus on. I think we will be able to get her on date soon. She is awesome. We found out our investigator Brother Wang wants to go to church. But he wants to go to an English sacrament. That is really good news. He hasn't had a desire to go in the past. We are excited for that.

It looks like we will be singing in the stake choir haha. We kinda got volunteered for that one. Should be fun though. The choir director is Sister Chipman from High River. It was cool seeing her again. She even remembered me haha! We are planning to go down to High River maybe this week to meet with an investigator and visit some people. I'm excited. Other than that not much else is new. The work is going great and we are having a ton of fun. I love this area. I hope all is well back home.

Love you all!

Elder Anderson

Amazing Sister Roma Ranger drove all the way to Calgary to take Elder Jake and his companion out to lunch. She told me she would give him a hug from me, and she was true to her word. 
Lucky Roma!  Lucky Elder Jake!

Jake has made a new friend.  This adorable little Chinese boy is the son of on of their investigators.  Too cute!