Elder Jake Anderson

Elder Jake Anderson

Monday, September 29, 2014

It is so important for us to always be in tune with the spirit so when our Heavenly Father needs our help, we will be ready to listen to what he has to say.

New news!  Pretty slick subject right? Took me about ten seconds to think of it. Well this has been a pretty sweet week. We were able to get in with a few of our investigators so that was really good. Some of our other investigators are not doing good. They aren't meeting with us anymore and getting into things that are not good. But we had a really sweet experience with one of the moms of the kids we are teaching. 

We stopped by on Sunday because we hadn't seen them in a while. They let us in and we were just catching up for a while. Right as we were about to get to the lesson part her husband calls and needs a ride. I was super bummed at first because we weren't going to be able to share the message. I had the talk by Elder Holland that you sent me called lessons from Liberty Jail about prayer and receiving revelation no matter where we are in our lives. 

Instead of giving the message I just gave her the talk, asked them to read it, then we would go over it next time. Well a week later we stop by and she doesn't have much time because she is getting ready to eat dinner, but she invites us in for a quick sec to tell us what happened. She read the talk and as she was reading it she realized it was exactly what her friend was going through. She thought the talk was written for her. Her friend is an active member of the church who was recently offended and started having doubts. She called up her friend and read her the talk. Her friend said that the talk answered every question and doubt that she had. She said all but one. Then Sister Sheppard, the one I gave the talk to, read her your testimony that you put in the back, Mom. Her friend said that that answered the last question she had. 

Sister Sheppard said it was really weird that everything worked out the way it did. You sent me the talk. I highlighted the parts I liked. I gave the talk to Sister Sheppard because we didn't have time for a lesson. Then she read the talk and realized that is was perfect for her friend. Her friend was starting to have doubts about the church because of what happened. This talked cleared everything up and helped answer every question she had. It is amazing to see how the Lord works in our lives. 

Everything had to work out perfectly in order for that to happen. Not being able to share the message turned out to be a blessing in disguise If you remove one variable from that equation, then it all falls apart. When we said the closing prayer, I felt inspired to give the talk to Sister Sheppard. I don't know why. I didn't want to give the talk away. I love that talk and have read it multiple times. I figured I would get it back but you never know. Had I ignored that prompting, I would have denied that woman an answer from God. 

It is so important for us to always be in tune with the spirit so when our Heavenly Father needs our help, we will be ready to listen to what he has to say. How great it is to be able to be an instrument in the Lords hands. Although this email is short this week, I hope you can learn something from it. I know that I have. 

Stay safe and love one another. Until next week.
Elder Anderson

Here is the link to the marvelous talk that Elder Jake referred to, Lessons from Liberty Jail:

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

An email "conversation" with Elder Jake

Elder Jake (back right) and seven other fabulous Lethbridge missionaries at Dairy Queen!

Elder Jake wasn't able to send an email today because the server went down while he was typing it.  Each week he and I are able to "chat" back and forth while he is on the computer.  I make sure to be at my computer so I won't miss the opportunity to check in with him.  It's a great blessing!  Since he wasn't able to send an email this week I thought I'd post the back and forth conversation we had today.  You can see the real Jake and his fabulous sense of humor in this casual chat.

I sent Jake (an android lover) a picture of me (an iPhone lover) holding my new iPhone 6.  And this is where the teasing started!  : )

You DO look different

Why do you say that?  Do I look cooler?

No. Older

I KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should be giving me sympathy!  Not being mean to me!!!!!

I thought you were a grandma

I look a lot cooler with the 6 in my hands!!!!

Not impressed

Oh you should be!  It's amazing!  Huddy and I can send voice texts to each other.  It trumps the dumb Androids big time!!!

Hahaha oh i'm sure

You are so jelly!!!

We should be getting iPads soon enough

When will you be on Facebook?  And when do you think you'll get iPads?

Elder Packer said Facebook should come before the end of the year and iPads might be before the end of the year but probably the beginning of next

Awesome!  How will you use Facebook?

I don't know. I've heard we will have some time during the day to go on and use it to proselyte. I don't know if we get to keep our old account or if we get a new one though

Gotcha!  Do you miss being on the computer or having a smart phone?

Not really. We have a phone to call and text people and that's about it but I don't miss much

That's good.  Do you feel like you are busy all the time?  Is it kind of crazy?

We aren't too busy but we always have stuff we can do so it's pretty good

That's good.  Do you sleep well?  Why were you so sleepy at the conference, and at the temple?

Hahaha meetings… they are too long. The conference was from 9 to 3

WOW!  That's a doozy!  

What are you doing today?  Is it P-Day?  (P-Day is the missionaries day off)

yeah. We are probably playing basketball. Possible going to Henderson lake to play football or soccer

I can't get on to the mail server so I won't be able to write a weekly email. It closed out on me and is giving me an error. I'll have to write next week

That is not acceptable!!!!!!!  You must write and email.

Haha I can't sorry. I will write a good long one next week

They are predicting that over a million people may die from Ebola.  How sad!

Man that is crazy. Is it in the states?

No, just in Africa right now.  I feel terrible for them.  Have you heard from Cody lately? (Cody is Jake's cousin who is serving a mission in Ghana.  He was called to serve in Sierra Leone but was moved to Ghana when the Ebola outbreak got so bad.)

yeah he wrote me this week. He said he went from a 3rd world country to a 2.5 hahaha

That's pretty funny!  Ghana seems to be a lot more civilized than Sierra Leone.  I think it's been kind of a hard adjustment for him.  How is your son doing?  (The word "son" is used by missionaries to describe a new missionary that they are training.  Jake loves his "son" Elder Faimalo, and says every week how much fun they have together.)

Great. He is so funny

The video you made is awesome!  Make more!

Haha ok I will try. There is one of us singing a hymn acapella that is pretty cool. I'll see if Roma can sent it to you

I would love that!  Do it!  She is seriously the best!!!

yeah she is awesome

I saw a pic of you on Facebook at Dairy Queen last night.  LUCKY!

Hahaha no way! A lady took that and put it on this blog for missionary moms hoping that some of our moms would see it. That is awesome!

I know!  I love it when I see pics of you on there.  What three words would you use to describe your mission?

Hard Enlightening and a blast

What's hard?  I know it's hard but what makes it hard?

There is a lot of responsibility and obligation involved. along with the fact that it is tiring and you have rules that seem ridiculous and are hard to follow.

HEY!!!!  Dad said he got an email from you.  You said the server is down.  I need an email!!!
What makes it enlightening?

Hahahaha I told you it closed down on me and I can't get back into it

Sure it did!  : )

So what makes it enlightening?

You just learn so many things about the gospel and the church and how it is run.  And a lot about people in the world. It's funny because we are in the world but not of the world, but we learn so much about being of the world through other people we meet

What makes it fun?

And it's fun because of the people you meet and the good times you have
Are those good enough primary answers?

That is awesome!!!!  It's such a blessing that you decided to serve for these 2 years!

It's a long 2 years that passes in a flash

It's going by really fast for me!  And I'm so grateful!

Me too. Well I have to get going early today. We are on a members computer because the library was full. I'll talk to you next week

OK!  Love you so much!  Just keep swimming!

Love you too!!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

It doesn't matter what your weaknesses are. God can make them your strengths if you let him into your life and allow him to make some changes.

Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail by Liz Lemon Swindle

Well I guess that works as a subject. Well this week has been pretty sweet. We have had so much fun. I told Shelby that it should be a sin to laugh that hard. I was in tears last night. All because of the dumbest things. Regardless, laughter is the best medicine. Too bad I wasn't sick. Saturday we built a concession stand in Stirling for the people there. That was super fun. Almost the whole zone was there. It was a gong show. 

Yesterday we were able to get in with the Laytons and Sheppards. They are investigators of ours that we haven't seen in a while. It was good to meet with them. They have been busy. The Laytons had a little baby boy two months ago and he has hair thicker and longer than Huddy's right now haha. It is insane! We shared the message from the talk by Elder Holland called Lessons from Liberty Jail. We talked about how it doesn't matter where we are or what kind of situation we are in, we can always communicate to Heavenly Father. He is always listening and he will always answer our prayers. It is a simple yet powerful message that is perfect for all of us to hear. We all need to know that we can always seek for guidance, council, strength, comfort, love, and so much more when we pray to God. What a great blessing that is in our lives. 

I have learned a lot about responsibility this week. We are accountable for a lot on a mission. There are duties that we have that are important. We will be called to give blessings, service, lessons, and all kinds of help at a moments notice. It is important that we quickly respond to these callings. It is our calling that we serve God's children to the best of our ability. That thought is kind of daunting haha. We are responsible for the people here. It makes it hard when you don't see a lot of progress. You feel like you are letting the area down as well as God. It is a heavy burden to carry. I am constantly reminding myself that the progress is not just based on us. It is also based on the pride and stubbornness of the people. And that makes it hard to love them sometimes haha. However, I have seen God not only change others lives, but mine as well. 

I have seen so many ways God has looked after me out here. Even for things like my appetite. I will eat virtually anything now. So simple but it makes a difference. I have learned to love everyone. I have grown a love for the people here. I care about them. I want to see them progress. Back home, I didn't like people much. I hardly talked to my relatives!  (This is Jake's mom, and I'm giggling reading about him not talking to people.  That's not far from the truth.  Jake was a bit reserved at times and to see him growing in this way is marvelous!  A huge tender mercy!!)  And out here I am knocking on doors and talking to people about the one thing they don't want to talk about! Religion! It doesn't matter what your weaknesses are. God can make them your strengths if you let him into your life and allow him to make some changes. Even if the only way to make those changes is through trials. This email probably doesn't make any sense but I was led by the spirit not knowing beforehand the things which I should do. Hopefully I said something that will help you. Take care until next time my friends. 

Elder Anderson

You can listen to or read Elder Hollands amazing talk, Lessons from Liberty Jail, here:

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

You never know how God will show you his love next.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  We woke up to white flecks of satanic substance falling from the sky. They call is snow. I don't know what to say. 

Well a little update on the mission business. We should be getting iPads at the beginning on next year. That's the rumor anyway. However, we should be getting Facebook by the end of the month! So that could be cool. We'll see what happens. Sorry about last week. Totally forgot to send an email. Haha haven't done that yet. 

Well this past couple weeks have been ok. We got to meet with Bruce a couple of times. He is sweet. He talks our ear off haha. And he thinks he notices things about us but he really doesn't. He thinks I sit in the same chair every time we go to his house but I haven't haha. He is sweet. He says that the farm is his religion. We are trying to get him to say that this is his religion haha. He is super funny and always jokes around with us. The last time we met with him I feel like we left him thinking really hard about what we talked about. When we said the prayer he folded him arms and bowed his head. He didn't know why, he just did it. Then he saw us do it and asked why we did it. We said that it is something we do out of reverence and respect to Heavenly Father. He laughed and said, "I must have been a Mormon in the previous life." Elder Faimalo followed that up beautifully and said that maybe you should be a Mormon in this life too. Haha what a response! I feel that he was really thinking when we left though. It was a good visit. 

We also met with a less active Marj. She is awesome. We got down to her concern last week. She broke down in tears and told us that she doesn't feel like she belongs at church because she doesn't have the proper clothes and because she doesn't have family that goes with her. She sees all the members there with their family and thinks that she shouldn't be there. We tried to tell her that the ward is her family and she just diverted back to the clothes issue. Well that one is fixable. We are going to see if maybe her Visiting Teachers can get her an outfit or something. All she needs is a little push. If she feels like she is loved, then she will feel like she belongs. 

It is all about love. Love can change lives. Some people simply don't recognize love when they see it. God pours his love out to all of His children. If we are closed off however, we won't feel His love. If we don't feel like God loves us, then it is our fault. Because He does love us. If you don't feel His love, then you need to stop closing off to Him. Let Him in your life. Let him work miracles. Jona couldn't run from God and neither can you. Don't be scared of God, be scared of missing His presence. Without Him, we are nothing. Alma 26:12

I hope you all know that God loves you. As do I. Take care and listen close. You never know how God will show you his love next. 

Elder Anderson

Snow in September...YIKES!!

Canada sure is beautiful!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Harvester - Walk and Talk August

Our naughty missionary didn't write an email this week, but we will forgive him because he was once again featured in the mission newsletter.  Elder Jake and Elder Faimalo are on the bottom left.

Here's the Harvester from earlier in the month with Elder Jake and Elder Becker