Elder Jake Anderson

Elder Jake Anderson

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

You can always feel the love God has for you through his children that he puts in your path.

Commentary from mom:  When you read this letter, please remember a few things:  

  • Jake has a great sense of humor, it's one of the things I love most about him, but he may have crossed a line or two in this letter.  To prove this point he signed his personal email to me with the name Lazarus.  Not funny, Jake!!
  • Also, he has no memory of either seizure.  So when he jokes about it, he really doesn't remember how serious it was.  You would think that two ambulance rides and a couple of hospital stays would sober this missionary up, but not so much. 

I passed out and had a tiny little seizure and you would have thought I came down in a spaceship from the planet Jupiter. I thought they were going to dissect me like a frog and see what they could find. One tiny little problem and they have to keep me locked up for three days with a needle in my arm. I was totally fine, but apparently they didn't trust me to be able to replenish my own fluids so they had to pump them straight into my arm. Not to mention the fact that they were taking enough blood to be able to supply an army. I felt like a science experiment. And then they figure out what I need to do. After all the samples and tests and checks and double checks and "care", they decide I just need to have my blood sugar run a little higher for a while so my body can readjust to what the normal levels are. Regardless, that's all out of the way now. Oh and one more thing! They then have the audacity to schedule a follow up appointment today! On P-Day! The nerve! P-Days are sacred. You do not mess with P-Days. Cancel cancel thank you very much. I will tell you when I am ready to see you again. 

Well w​e still were able to do a little work this week. We picked up a new investigator.His name is Bruce. He is super awesome. He really loves talking. He is so cool because he asked for the message of the day before we ended the conversation. We hadn't even brought up any spiritual stuff and he wanted to hear our message. He loves having us over to talk. We are excited to teach him.

There is one thing that happened that was absolutely unacceptable. We had dinner with an older couple who lives on the north side of our area yesterday. It was raining so we didn't want to bike up there so we called them and asked if we could get a ride. They were more than happy. We stopped by a family's house to ask if we could leave our bikes there just while we were at dinner. The dad said it was totally fine and we could do it anytime. Well, after dinner, we were dropped off at the house to pick up our bikes. And they had been vandalized. The family had the boldness, the nerve, the audacity to think it would be a good idea to vandalize the Lord's bikes. Yes. They did something so terrible, it requires action on our part. They took our bikes and tied ribbons, streamers, and bows to them. Pink, purple, yellow, orange and every other color that makes me think of puke. They stuck glitter stickers all over them as well. We were horrified. We hopped on super quick and rode to our ward mission leaders house and tore everything off as fast as possible. This is war. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and look what happened. This is no different. There will be retaliation.
Well, I can't say that we are not having fun. The members have been awesome through these past couple of weeks. They are super supportive and caring. I feel like I am back home with my home ward. The church is true no matter where you go. And you can always feel the love God has for you through his children that he puts in your path. I hope you all know how much I love you and pray for you. I feel your prayers everywhere I go and can't thank you enough for all that you do for me. Stay safe and don't give up.

Elder Anderson

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