Elder Jake Anderson

Elder Jake Anderson

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

This week was pretty good.

Elder Becker (right) and Elder Jake with the new missionary and his companion

That is an inspiring quote from my beloved District Leader, Elder Downing. "This week has definitely been a week." - Elder Downing. I honestly don't know where he comes up with these. It's truly inspired. "Your email is not coming very far." - Elder Downing. He's on a roll today! But he's right. I'll probably try to start here. 

This week was pretty good. We picked up two new investigators. One of the girls we were teaching turned 9 so technically she became an official investigator so that really doesn't count but for number purposes, it does. Then we taught a Less-Actives wife and picked her up. She is ready to have a baby. She should in the next couple days now. 

We had a pretty successful week though. We had quite a few lessons and what not. We got a greenie! He's from England. I don't know where though. I think a pretty dangerous place from the sounds of it. He's a pretty solid missionary though. He's not afraid to talk to people which is good. You do a lot of that here. 

It finally stopped raining. Some people's basements are starting to flood a little. Just some water that they have to pump out. High River is probably freaking out. 

Honestly nothing much is new this week. We didn't do a whole lot of other stuff. It was a pretty boring week. As far as the work is concerned it is good but there isn't a whole lot other than that. No cool stories to tell or anything like that. Maybe this week I will look for ways I can put my life in danger trying to save someone else so I will have a good story to tell. 

I hope all is well back home. Sorry for the short email. Well not really but that's ok. Talk to you soon!

Elder Anderson

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