Elder Jake Anderson

Elder Jake Anderson

Monday, June 15, 2015

My first baptism

What a week. The highlight was definitely the baptism. Our investigator got baptized this week on Friday. It was amazing. And there was a cool story behind it. She has a huge fear of water. When she showers, she says she has to plug her ears to make sure no water gets in. So baptism was an obstacle for her. Well after we told her she could wear ear plugs for the baptism, she felt a lot better about it. Well she gets to the font on the day of her baptism, and she forgot her ear plugs. She literally started shaking she was so scared. It was paralyzing fer her she said. As she took the arm of the man who baptized her, she said it was as if all fear was forgotten and as if God was hugging her as she entered the font. It was the greatest thing that could have happened. And as if that wasn't cool enough, she shows up at church that Sunday feeling really sick and here eyes giving her problems. But she still came!! She is an incredible person and already has such a strong testimony. It has been an honor being able to watch her come closer with her Savior Jesus Christ. It has strengthened my testimony just watching her. I am so excited to see her continue to progress toward her Heavenly Father and Savior. 

I am so grateful for the love that our Heavenly Father has for each and every one of us. I feel his love every day and it gives me strength and courage to continue to move forward. I know He loves you beyond what you could ever imagine. Just hold on! Cling to his love and let Him carry you away from all your problems!

I love and miss you all!!! Take care and have a great week!!!

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