Elder Jake Anderson

Elder Jake Anderson

Monday, June 29, 2015

I can't believe how great President and Sister Nicholas are.

Well summer is officially here. So everyone is out of town pretty much. It's really hard to catch people home in the summer time. It's been really warm here too. In the low 30's (Celsius) even. It's been really nice. I'm getting pretty tan... not gonna lie! 

Hahaha but there's not much to report on. One cool story though. So President Nicholas took my Uke away several months ago. (LDS Missionaries are not supposed to have musical instruments.) Well I emailed him asking for it back for the summer so I can go contacting with it and what not. He called me a couple weeks later and told me the Mission Home was broken into a few months ago and my Uke was one of the items stolen. 

He felt super bad. I told him it was okay. I wasn't too worried about it. I felt bad that he felt bad. Well the other day he called and asked if I was attached to the brand it was. I said not at all. He said good because he was at a guitar shop and they didn't have that same brand but they have one that is about the same quality and everything that he is going to buy me to replace it. He is seriously amazing! I told him he didn't need to but he did it anyway. I can't believe how great President and Sister Nicholas are. Seriously amazing!!! It's a really sad goodbye!!! 

Well hope you have a great week! Talk to you next time!!!

Elder Anderson

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