Slower week. But fun nevertheless. Here's a sweet miracle that happened though. We tracted into this lady a couple weeks ago and she said that she didn't live there but that we could stop by sometime at her place and share a message. Well we stopped by this week and talked with her and her boyfriend. They are #Gold! We taught them bits and pieces of all the lessons. They are interested in the Mormon church and had a ton of genuine questions. So we literally taught them about the restoration, plan of salvation, gospel of Jesus Christ, and even talked about temples and callings in the church. They are so sweet! They live in 3rd ward so we passed them off to those elders and they told us that the lesson they had with them went amazing! Oh man it was so cool. They are so ready it's sweet! I'm so pumped we were blessed with being able to find them. I have no doubt that God set that whole thing up. We are hoping that this week will be full of miracles like that.
Miracles do happen! God is watching over every one of us. I know it. And you can too.
I love you all!
Elder Anderson
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