Called to serve in the Canada Calgary LDS Mission - December 2013 thru December 2015
Elder Jake Anderson

Monday, August 31, 2015
I love the mission so much it's ridiculous!
So apparently the world around us has been on fire causing Medicine Hat to be really smoky. The sun is just a red ball in the sky. You can look directly at it because of the smoke. We have been sleeping out on our balcony lately too. The other day I woke up and my throat was destroyed because of the smoke. However this morning, the skies are blue and beautiful. We could see some stars last night too. It was sweet. The Smoke Has Cleared! Blue Skies Ahead! But this week was a good one regardless.
We taught a man for the first time. He has tons of spiritual experiences throughout his life and he has recognized the adversary working hard at him in his life. But he is strong and a great guy. We taught him the first lesson and he agreed that if he came to know it was true, he would be baptized. It was sweet! He's gold. We also found a guy who we started teaching who is interesting.
So we tracted into him and set up a return appointment. He gave us a book called The Great Waves of Change. When we went back and started talking. It became clear that he was 100% convinced that aliens were on the earth right now. It was... different. Hahahaha he is loco! But it was sweet. He actually accepted a lot of our message and believed it. But I don't think it's to hard to convince him of things. He seems pretty accepting of a lot of stuff. hahahah Every day's a new day out here.
Other than that, not much else is new. This is such a sweet area though. And my comp Elder Gonzales is so sick. This transfer will probably be my favorite transfer. I pray we do 2 together. I would kill him then haha. Then I would die the next transfer. It's insane how long I've been out. I'm getting nervous for the end. I feel like a transfer is coming and I am going to leave. But It will be a permanent one. It's pretty sketch. I love the mission so much it's ridiculous! I want it to never end. But what goes up must come down. I hope you are all doing swell back home. I pray for you every night. And I feel your prayers every day! Thank you! Take care!!!
Elder Anderson
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Sometimes things don't go as well as you would hope them to, but when we put it in the Lord's hands, then you can be rest assured that things will work out.
Elder Jake said, "The Greatest Crew of Missionaries to Ever Walk the Earth!"
So this August is what we call Walk and Talk August. It means that the clicks that we are given on our car are reduced by 75% and we are asked to start walking everywhere. And talk to everyone. So that's what we've been doing this month. And this past week we had a pretty cool miracle happen.
We were walking (obviously) and saw a lady who looked to be in her 20's pushing a stroller and walking with her son who seemed to be about 2. So we talked with her (obviously). As we were talking with her we got to know her a bit. She brought up how she had moved to Med Hat 15 days prior. So we asked her what brought her here. Then the story came out. So one day the cops showed up to her house and arrested her husband. He had been charged with bigamy. He was married to to women. And had two families. And lived two lives. Well this lady we were talking with had no idea. Her "husband" was taken to jail, and all of their stuff was confiscated by the police. After getting her side of the story figured out, she packed two suitcases and flew to Calgary. Unable to find a place to stay there, she took the bus down to Med Hat where her brother lived and found a little apartment here. Her brother stopped by once to drop off a couch for her place and that's it. She has no friends here, virtually no family, and no possessions other than some clothes. Her life one day got flipped upside down and she was left with nothing. She then asks us if we knew of a Christian church in the city. We didn't so we just said bye and walked away... hahahaha jokes! We told her about her church and invited her to come. Then we set up a time we could come by and share a message with her. She agreed and we got her info and told her we would give her a call to remind her. Then we said bye and left.
Well we went by and taught the restoration. It went well. However we found out that she was very involved in her church in Manitoba. As we talked, we realized that it was almost like trying to convert someone like us to another religion. She was super nice and agreed with a lot of what we had to say, but seemed a little unwilling to accept it. Well when we finished, we left her with the Book of Mormon and asked her if she believed in the prophets in the Bible. She said yes. Then Elder Gonzales asked her to think about the question, "If God called prophets then, do you think he would call them today?" That really got her thinking. I think something clicked when she thought about that. We told her that we would be in touch and check in on her if she needed anything. Then we set up a return appointment and left. We told her that if nothing else, we just wanted to be her friend. So she had someone to turn to if she needed anything. Especially since she didn't really have anyone she knew in Med Hat. When we left, I felt like we left it on a great note. The lesson was a little difficult and she seemed doubtful, but I think in the end, she felt more open and trusting in us.
I have never really had a lesson like this. But I think it was sweet. I am pumped to follow up and see what happens next time. She should also be coming to church next week as well. Sometimes things don't go as well as you would hope them to, but when we put it in the Lord's hands, then you can be rest assured that things will work out. And that is how I feel right now.
I hope you have a great week and that you feel God's love for you!
Elder Anderson
Jake's 21st birthday in the mish...he is one very spoiled missionary!
Monday, August 17, 2015
Oh man what a transfer. I literally got hooked up.
Oh man what a transfer. I literally got hooked up. My new companion is Elder Gonzales. I was praying for him. Literally. As soon as I found out his companion was leaving I wanted to go with him. And the Lord answers prayers! This is gonna be the greatest transfer ever! We have already has so much fun it should be illegal! Medicine hat is a small city of about 60,000 people. Just a little smaller than Lethbridge. We cover a family ward (2nd ward) and a YSA branch. The ward is pretty small though. The average attendance is about 110 or 120. And the branch is 20-30 people. But they are both awesome. I felt right at home on Sunday. I gave a real quick 5 min talk in 2nd ward to introduce myself and people came up after and introduced themselves to me and welcomed me to the area. It's great! I have never been this amped going into and area.
And this past Saturday there was a baptism in the ward, he's 15. Haha it was sweet. We are hoping to start working more with the family. The mom is trying to quit smoking right now and doing great. And the dad is super nice. He's a homie for sure. And there are other investigators in the area we are working with now. It's looking rather swell.
And what's more! Elder Peci is in the zone as well!! haha he's still close by!!! I was so pumped about that at transfers! I ran up and gave him a hug before his new companion got a chance to. Oh man it was stack after stack. The zone is gucci.
Well hope your week was as good as mine. Probably not but maybe it was close ;) I love you all and pray for you constantly. Take care and keep moving forward!
Elder Anderson
Monday, August 10, 2015
Well I'm getting transferred south.
We had the craziest rain storm I have ever seen in my life this week. The streets were flooding. People were driving through over six inches of water in some places!!! haha it was sweet!!! Downtown got hail like crazy too. It was insane. The streets were white with hail. Cars were plowing their way through it to try and get out. It was over the bumper of most of the cars. I have never seen anything like that. It was so cool!
Well I'm getting transferred south. I'm pumped to go south but bummed to leave the area and Elder Peci. It's been a blast serving here. The wards are amazing and the work is just picking up now. But I'm sure the new area will be great. I'm super excited to move around and see new places.
Oh my!!!! The highlight of the week! No doubt! We went on exchanges on Saturday. I went with Elder Todd from Lehi Utah, go figure. It was a ton of fun though. But the best part was that he got hit by a truck!!!! Hahahahahaha it was amazing!!! He went across this crosswalk as this Ford Ranger pulled up to the stop sign. Well the guy didn't see Todd and just rolled through it and gunned it to get out in front of traffic and slammed into Todd. It scooped Elder Todd up on the hood and then the guy slammed on the brakes when he realized what he had done. Then Elder Todd slid off the hood and fell down on the ground. It was the smoothest fall I have ever seen. He didn't even have a scrape on him. I think he had some angels looking out for him. It was a miracle. But it was also hilarious following him and watching it all play out on the bike. What a day!
Anyway. That's what my week has been like. It's been really fun. I'll let you know where I end up next week! I love you! Talk to you next time!!!
Elder Anderson


Monday, August 3, 2015
It's been a blast.
So this has been a pretty fruitful week. We found 3 new people to start teaching! The area is now picking up a bit. Which is weird because summer is usually the slow times. Everyone leaves for the summer and goes on holiday. But we've been trying to find people, and the Lord has blessed us. But transfers are next week and I am probably going to leave. Which is kinda lame. The area is great, the members are sweet, and we now have people to teach. I hope I stay.
Well the weather is crazy here. It's really hot one second, then the next second, it's raining. Then the next second, it's dry and blue skies. Haha I never know what to think. Definitely not a drought here. But it keeps us on our toes.
Other than that not much else is new. We've been busy with finding and teaching and always service. It's been a blast. This has been a great summer and I hope winter holds off until January ;) but I doubt it. It's just around the corner now. I hope you are all doing well back home!
Take care of each other! Love you!!!
Take care of each other! Love you!!!
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