New news! Pretty slick subject right? Took me about ten seconds to think of it. Well this has been a pretty sweet week. We were able to get in with a few of our investigators so that was really good. Some of our other investigators are not doing good. They aren't meeting with us anymore and getting into things that are not good. But we had a really sweet experience with one of the moms of the kids we are teaching.
We stopped by on Sunday because we hadn't seen them in a while. They let us in and we were just catching up for a while. Right as we were about to get to the lesson part her husband calls and needs a ride. I was super bummed at first because we weren't going to be able to share the message. I had the talk by Elder Holland that you sent me called lessons from Liberty Jail about prayer and receiving revelation no matter where we are in our lives.
Instead of giving the message I just gave her the talk, asked them to read it, then we would go over it next time. Well a week later we stop by and she doesn't have much time because she is getting ready to eat dinner, but she invites us in for a quick sec to tell us what happened. She read the talk and as she was reading it she realized it was exactly what her friend was going through. She thought the talk was written for her. Her friend is an active member of the church who was recently offended and started having doubts. She called up her friend and read her the talk. Her friend said that the talk answered every question and doubt that she had. She said all but one. Then Sister Sheppard, the one I gave the talk to, read her your testimony that you put in the back, Mom. Her friend said that that answered the last question she had.
Sister Sheppard said it was really weird that everything worked out the way it did. You sent me the talk. I highlighted the parts I liked. I gave the talk to Sister Sheppard because we didn't have time for a lesson. Then she read the talk and realized that is was perfect for her friend. Her friend was starting to have doubts about the church because of what happened. This talked cleared everything up and helped answer every question she had. It is amazing to see how the Lord works in our lives.
Everything had to work out perfectly in order for that to happen. Not being able to share the message turned out to be a blessing in disguise If you remove one variable from that equation, then it all falls apart. When we said the closing prayer, I felt inspired to give the talk to Sister Sheppard. I don't know why. I didn't want to give the talk away. I love that talk and have read it multiple times. I figured I would get it back but you never know. Had I ignored that prompting, I would have denied that woman an answer from God.
It is so important for us to always be in tune with the spirit so when our Heavenly Father needs our help, we will be ready to listen to what he has to say. How great it is to be able to be an instrument in the Lords hands. Although this email is short this week, I hope you can learn something from it. I know that I have.
Stay safe and love one another. Until next week.
Elder Anderson
Here is the link to the marvelous talk that Elder Jake referred to, Lessons from Liberty Jail: